If you are looking for a local ATM services company in the Seattle, WA metropolitan area, you’ve come to the right place.
This is the page on our website dedicated to our ATM services in The Emerald City.
To request a proposal for ATM services, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page, or call us.
ATM Services we offer in Seattle
ATM Placement
Get an ATM machine for your business in Seattle by taking advantage of our Free ATM placement program: Prineta will install one of our ATM machines, load the cash in it, take care of everything related to maintaining the ATM at no cost to you. For qualified locations only. Most busy locations qualify.
Buy an ATM in Washington
We have new ATM machines for sale in Seattle and all of Washington. If you would like to buy and operate your own ATM, just call us. We have some of the best prices available for new ATMs. We offer free shipping, statewide in Washington. All ATM machines come with a 2 year parts warranty.
ATM Cash Loading
If you have an ATM already, and are having a hard time keeping it full of cash, we can help. We are capable of keeping the ATM filled to the brim with cash so you know you’re ATM will never run out again. We specialize in cash loading for high-volume locations.

What types of establishments does Prineta place ATMs at?
Prineta specializes in ATM services for hotels in Washington. We also provide services for a wide variety of other establishments, including: stadiums, convenience stores, restaurants, bars, laundromats, speedways, hospitals, country clubs, aquariums, movie theaters, shopping malls, convention centers, supermarkets, bowling alleys, event facilities, retail stores, resorts, truck stops, nightclubs, pawn shops, casinos, high-rise condos, university dorms, gas stations, amusement parks, liquor stores, grocery stores, zoos, gentlemen’s clubs, airports, lounges, pool halls and many others.
Seattle ATM Company
We provide ATM services for the following areas in Washington
Seattle ATM Service Area
Downtown Seattle – Prineta provides ATM services for business in the Seattle city center, surrounding the Space Needle, Seattle University, and Kingdome areas.
Seattle Airport – Prineta places ATM machines for hotels near the Seattle – Tacoma SeaTac International Airport (SEA).
North Seattle – We provide ATM services in the area to the north of Seattle city center, including the cities of Kirkland, Lynnwood, Everett and others.
South Seattle – Prineta supplies ATMs for the cities of Tacoma and Olympia.
East King County – Across from Lake Washington, Prineta installs ATMs in Bellevue and Redmond
Pacific Coast – We are an ATM vendor that services the communities along or near the Pacific coast, including: Ocean Shores, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Pacific Beach and more.
Surrounding Communities – Our ATM deployment area includes the entire area surrounding Seattle, including the communities of Brementon Mukilteo, and more.
Our Seattle service area covers nearly the entire state of Washington.
If your location is not within the service area shown above, we may still be able to help, please just contact us and ask!
Bellingham ATM Service Area
Bellingham – Our service area goes as far north as the city of Bellingham. This includes the surrounding cities of Lynden and Ferndale.
Mount Vernon – We manage ATMs in the area south of Bellingham in the cities of Mount Vernon, Burlington, Coupeville and Oak Harbor.
Spokane ATM Service Area
Downtown Spokane – Prineta is an ATM vendor in Sppokane also, servicing locations downtown close to the train station and Convention Center.
Spokane Airport – We manage and install ATM machines for hotels near the Spokane International Airport.
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho – We can also place machines just across the border from Spokane.
Surrounding Communities – We deploy ATMs for cities in the surrounding areas including Post Falls, Newport, Rathdrum, and Pullma.
Tri-Cities ATM Service Area
Kennewick – Prineta is one of the few ATM companies which services the Tri-Cities area of Southeast Washington. We provide ATMs in Kennewick, Richland and Pasco, Walla Walla and more.
Yakima – We manage ATMs for businesses in South Central Washington in Yakima, Ellensburg, Wenatchee and others.
Local ATM Company in Seattle.
We have a local office on Dexter Avenue North. We have local ATM service representatives available in the city and can come meet you at your establishment in person and talk to you about making a deal.
Request a Proposal
If you are interested in getting an ATM for your business(es) in Seattle, or any where else in Washington, please contact us by filling out the form below and tell us what exactly you are looking for or just call our office at 1-800-951-9533 for more information.