POB Cashless ATM Machine

The “Cashless ATM” has been around the payments and banking industry for 20+ years but has become more popular in recent years with merchants that do not want to pay the high processing fees associated with a merchant account or simply cannot get traditional credit and debit card processing. Perfect for the business that prefers to operate in cash, the POB (Point of Banking) debit solution is ideal for retail merchants that want to accept cards but not pay processing fees.

If you are looking to maybe get a cashless ATM or find a cashless ATM machine for sale, we can help. At Prineta, we are payment solution brokers and we can help you get set up with a cashless ATM (but only merchants in the United States at this time).  We get quite a few questions about this solution and how to get one so we worked hard to write a comprehensive post that has all the details you are probably looking for and answers all of your questions; hopefully you find the information valuable.  If you want to go ahead and get a cashless ATM, please enter your contact information in form at the bottom of the page and we will send you a proper proposal and application.

So what exactly is a cashless ATM? A standard counter-top payment terminal with PIN-pad running an ATM application that allows customers to withdrawal money from their checking account using their debit card or do a cash advance with their credit card by entering their PIN number to make purchases at your store “just like cash”.  The program we work with runs on Vx570 or Vx510 DC/IP terminal and Vx805 PIN-pad.  It works a lot like a cash transaction but instead of dollars, the payment are made with a voucher scrip receipt.


Here is how it works:  Customer swipes their card, enters their PIN on the PIN-pad, selects the amount in $5 increments and completes the transaction; then the terminal prints out a two-part receipt cash voucher of the transaction and the customer gives a copy to the cashier to pay for the selected products; and the cashier gives back change just like a cash transaction. That’s it; pretty quick and painless customer experience.  So for example, if a customer wants to make a purchase of $95.80, they would take out $100 and you would give them back $4.20 in change. If the convenience fee was $3, the customer would see an ATM withdrawal transaction on their online banking or bank statement for $103 and the merchant would get the $100 deposited into their settlement account (typically a checking account) via ACH credit.

Similar to a “regular ATM” but instead of taking out cash and giving it to the cashier, the money is electronically moved from the customer’s bank account to your bank account (which can be a standard business checking account, personal bank account, savings account, money market account, or virtual bank account).  These transactions run on the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) ATM Network and it takes 2 business days (48 hours) to get the funds.

Total transaction time is probably 10 seconds or less for an experience customer and maybe 30 seconds for a first time customer. The prompts on the screen walk the customer through the transaction pretty seamlessly.

There is convenience fee that must be charged and it can either be paid for by the merchant as a cost of doing business or passed along to the customer.  The choice is yours.

This solution can help you avoid high bankcard processing fees thus saving you money evert time it’s used.  Popular with cash-only bars, nightclubs, tattoo shops, and salons/barber shops.

It takes 10 business days to set up a new account and receive the terminal pre-programed in the mail.

POB Debit program description:

Designed for merchants with retail sales locations within the US ONLY. The POB Debit solution offers merchants the ability to process all bank issued debit cards and credit cards if the customer has a PIN at the point of sale. Merchant establishes service and installs a PCI-compliant terminal and encrypted PIN pad at the store. Customers can make then purchases using their PIN number.

Cashless ATM is also good for merchants that want to get a regular/traditional ATM machine but do not qualify for the free placement program and do not want to purchase and old an ATM.

Merchants often love this program as over 85% of cardholders use a bank issued debit card at the point of sale. It also eliminates the high cost for offshore processing solutions that can range from 4.95% to over 8% for higher risk merchant types.

Merchants do not need to be miscoded. Most business types are accepted, including licensed MMJ/RMJ. All merchants will be issued their own direct MID# and unique descriptor.

Fees/Charges to Merchant and Consumer:

·         Most of the time, consumers are assessed a convenience fee for each transaction that covers processing of the transaction. The surcharge/convenience fee charged is based on volume and business type but typically is $3. Use the contact form below to request a pricing proposal.

·         Merchants have a choice to receive a free terminal and get no portion of the convenience fee or to purchase the terminal and get some of the convenience fee. Equipment fees are standard, and pricing will be quoted in the proposal.

Setup Process:

·         Merchants complete an application and provide signed agreement and ACH authorization for deposits. Merchant approval takes approximately 3-4 business days and merchants are notified of the acceptance or decline in writing.

·         If you are purchasing the terminal, the cost of the equipment is debited in advance. Shipping fees may apply based on location and there are additional fees associated with RUSH deliveries.  Shipping and handling is typically around $30.

Pricing based on Volume:

Pricing is typically based on volume, with higher volumes enjoying lower convenience fees. Typically, the merchant does not pay the convenience fee but if a merchant prefers, the fee can be moved over to the merchant so the fee to the customer is $0.


Verifone Vx510 or Vx570 with Vx805 PIN Pad. Available to qualified merchants as no cost rental for free placement or available for purchase. Price available upon request when you use the contact form below. The price includes set up provisioning/programming/download. If you already have a Vx510 Dual-Com IP-capable or Vx570 terminal, you can send it in and we can get it re-programmed for a lower cost.

Payouts and Funding:

Funding is next business day (48 hour funding). Merchants need to have a bank account for payouts to accept ACH credit transactions.


After receiving POB application merchants will receive pre-programmed terminal and encrypted PIN pad(s) ready to plug in and begin processing when received. All terminals are sent to the location directly.


We have posted everything here that we know about this solution and hope you find it valuable.  But this is not just an informational site, we can help you get a cashless ATM machine if you are interested in one. Just ask.

Ask a Question. Request a Proposal and the Application.

Please complete this form and enter your business type and address into the comment box and we will follow up with a phone call and e-mail.  Thank you for visiting our site and considering Prineta to be your partner in payments.