Are you a community bank in need of a payments partner that can set up merchant accounts, take good care of your best clients, and pay a competitive commission? We should talk. Prineta is a community bank’s best friend in the payments business. We can make you look good without running your own division. Outsource the merchant services business; your brand or ours. We are open to flexible arrangements.
PIN Debit Solution for High-Risk Retail Businesses
Prineta introduces PIN debit, our latest debit payment solution for high-risk retail businesses which are unable to obtain a high-risk merchant account and get approved to process credit cards. Unlike the popular Point of Banking (POB) aka “cashless ATM” solution, with PIN debit there are no monthly fees, no setup fees, no discount rates or transaction fees to merchant, no cash back after purchase required and no $5.00 increments required. How does it work? Just like a normal debit card purchase, only an additional $3.00 is added Cardholder swipes card or inserts chip card Enters PIN, acknowledges they will be …